Our Education System

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Believe it or not, the main stream education system has been responsible for killing creativity among millions of children. It is an ancient institution which has out lived it's usage. If you look at phones, cars, and even health care from fifty years ago and compare them to what we have today, you will notice a difference. Yet, if you compare a classroom from today to a classroom from a hundred years ago, you will not see much change. Our education systems needs to be upgraded and changed, if each human being thinks differently, then why does school have to be a "one size fits all". These schools are designed to create factory workers, not creative, out-of-the-box thinkers. This explains why they put students in straight rows neat and organized, tell them sit still and put up their hand to speak, give them a short break to eat and tell them eight hours a day what to think. And if they meet the requirements they give them an "A", a letter that determines product quality of meat. This method must have been a good idea in the past, but not the world has progressed, and we don't need robot-zombies, what we need is people who think creatively, innovatively, and critically. It is scientifically proven that no two brains are the same, yet every one receives the exact same education. As mention by Einstein's quote, how could expect a fish to swim when you keep teaching it to climb trees.

Image result for einstein everybody is a geniusThink about this, if a doctor was to provide the exact same medicine to all it's patients, the results would be horrific, yet schools are doing the same thing here and no one seems to care. You see if a doctor can save a life, and good teacher can make use of it and provide that child with the opportunity to really live it. Then why is there is a huge salary gap between the two of their wages. No wonder why so many kids hate school, because it doesn't give them what they need. Each student deserves an education fit for them and there needs, they shouldn't be required to take that initiative them selves, after all what is school for. An education that may seem fit for one person doesn't necessarily mean it is right for another child. Indeed math is important, but so is art or dance. Also, how is a standardized test suppose to determine their success. In fact the person who invented them, Fedrick J. Kelly said, "These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned".

Schools need to focus on collaboration instead of competition, we need to remodel our education system to other countries' like Finland, where school days are shorter days, teachers make a decent wage, and homework is non-existent. The surprising part is that their system out performs every other countries' in the world. Even programs like Khan Academy are a good place to begin with, because there isn't a single solution to this growing problem. While, students maybe twenty percent of our population, they are a hundred percent of our future. We need to make a change and fast, because we need a world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees.


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